Wealth and Values LO8250

William J. Hobler, Jr (bhobler@worldnet.att.net)
Tue, 02 Jul 1996 07:41:55 -0400

Replying to LO8232 --

Malcom Jones wrote

>to unearned income. I actually feel quite uncomfortable with this, not
>through envy, as I have substantial unearned income myself, but from a
>moral point of view.

Who said that the income is unearned. Here in the US it is a Internal
Revenue (Tax Collector) term. May I offer that I worked hard and long to
be able to set aside some income for retirement. I could bury the money
and no one would benefit. Or I could invest it and run the risk of
loosing it. If I invest the fuits of my labor, and place them at risk,
the receipient can generate income. Doesn't my risk earn some value?

>In terms of the values of a business, how would it be to create an
>organisation which specifically rejects the notion of shareholders and
>unearned income -

Employee owned firms can be included in your list. Some of these have
benn succesful and some not. It seems success is correlated to the
amouunt of business process ownership invested in the worker owners.


bhobler@worldnet.att.net Bill Hobler

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