Why is Wealth Important LO8200

GSCHERL (GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca)
Fri, 28 Jun 96 08:30:38 EST

Replying to LO8168 --

John Paul,

I like your viewpoint of monetary wealth, especially when you consider
that Bill Gates may not be able to reproduce his wealth.

> What we have is different people gifted in different ways, and some
> of those ways are received into monetary riches, and some may even
> cause the bearer to be rejected, though Solomon also says that a
> person's gift makes room for him!

It brings to light some unique ways people have gained wealth. The
person who conceptualized the 'Pet Rock' made millions. I wonder what
he's doing today? The female super-models of the sixties wouldn't fit
the same mold of the models of today, and may not be able to make any
money -- all because of the physical body they are born with!

I think balance is more important than wealth. If you define wealth
as an "abundance of valuable material possessions or resources"
(Webster's 9th Dictionary) then we must recognize material possessions
as being money and goods. Resources on the other hand could be
knowledge. An abundance of knowledge channeled in the right method
will always lead to wealth. If it doesn't its probably not on the
right path. The 'wealth' of family, relationships, health and
spirituality are all very important and we have to strive in all these
areas at the same time.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca (GSCHERL)

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