Why is Wealth Important LO8062

Rol Fessenden (76234.3636@CompuServe.COM)
23 Jun 96 23:01:55 EDT

Replying to LO8047 --

If asks,

create meanings in which wealth is everything and money is less
meaningful. I suspect distingishing wealth and money is vital.


I have my own thoughts, but I don't know if this is what If is referring
to. Living in Maine, I feel wealthy in many ways which have little to do
with money. Which is not to say that money is meaningless.

It is just that I have a wealth of lifestyle, environment, social
stability to raise children, and such that are not easily available --
would require much, much more money to attain -- in, say, Newark, New

Things like leaving the door unlocked, not locking my bicycle when I
leave it in front of a store, going sailing, kayaking, skiing, camping
on a moments' notice, saying hello to people we meet on the street, and
so forth are wealth beyond reach for people with 5 times my income in
other places.

In addition to the lifestyle, friends, and security, people really care
for each other here. Much more than in cities I have lived in
elsewhere. Perhaps it is because we really know each other. We are not
anonymous people passing on the street.

Maine is less diverse than many other places, and this is a serious
disadvantage. On the other hand, there are here a set of shared values
that are priceless beyond measure.

Is this what you refer to, If?


Rol Fessenden LL Bean, Inc. 76234.3636@compuserve.com

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