Entrepreneurship LO7949

Keith Cowan (72212.51@CompuServe.COM)
18 Jun 96 20:18:49 EDT

Replying to LO7772 --

mcore@soho.ios.com (Ray Evans Harrell) gives some great insights
to entrepreneurs, then concludes with:
>....Today's use of the word in everyday media and CEO descriptions
>doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me. I guess I would say
>the intent seems elsewhere than "clarifying a person performing
>a well defined activity." Some of the people on my Board would
>put it quite a bit more bluntly.

Like any good words, their applications tends to wear them out
when it becomes in vogue to do so. The invention of the variant
"intrapreneur" is contributing to the confusion because it has no
valid roots. The taking of personal risk cannot be compromised
very far before an entrepreneur starts to look like a manager.

Maybe if we all agree that the odds of success are 20 to 25% in
a given venture, then we have an entrepreneur. As soon as the
odds of success are over 50%, even the proven entrepreneur
becomes a manager, applying their proven skills to yet another
startup? The application within an enterprise would need a
real risk of humiliation, loss of job, etc.


Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>

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