Will Sr. Managers Change? LO7218

Brock Vodden (brock.vodden@odyssey.on.ca)
Mon, 6 May 1996 12:40:21 -0400

Replying to LO7040 --

At 07:53 AM 4/29/96, you replied to what I wrote about systemic factors
which are often at the root of poor management and leadership development


I see we are on the same wave length regarding the leadership of many
organizations and the systemic causes which lead to "impaired vision".

I have seen this scenario played out in countless organizations here in
Canada. I agree that it is a cultural phenomonenon. We use the same
approach for promotion and development in all sectors: public, private,
not-for-profit, and voluntary. The problem is most in evidence in smaller
and medium-sized organizations, but I have seen it in very large
organizations as well.

I suspect, though I have no proof, that this leadership issue is so
widepread that it may be the most significant factor behind Canada's poor
productivity record. If this is true, then we must intervene systemically
to alter the course. I compare this problem to a computer virus which is
designed to do three things: damage files and data in the system, hide the
damage, and hide itself from anti-virus software. The "user" in this case
will not seek a solution without intervention from outside, just as the
companies are not likely to work at solving their own version of this
problem, because they have not realized that the problem exists.

Who can intervene?

What is the best point of intervention?

How do we change the culture - not just of an organization - but of a



Brock Vodden Vodden Consulting Business Process Improvement "Where People and Systems Meet" brock.vodden@odyssey.on.ca

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