AH!! Thanks, Ginger, for throwing out the first pitch! (so to speak).
Look closely at the processes a coach uses for doing her/his work.
o They help recruit the best talent
o They help the team develop a mental image of the goals and a roadmap on
how to achieve them.
o They stress both personal mastery of one's skills and of the teamwork
o They ensure that the team learns together what it takes to win.
o When the game begins and the team takes the field or court, the coach
tries to remove all roadblocks for the team to win; They manage the clock.
They ensure the best set of skills and talents and energy is playing.
o But they do not play (usually) and cannot win for the team. Only the
players can win the game (empowerment).
o They set metrics around team performance.
o They often put themselves at risk for the good of the team.
Yes coaching often sets an image of competition. But, I believe that
competition is the game business is playing. A team leader does not
influence the team using the same processes. They serve as a model for
action and responsibility. I guess you can say a coach pushes and a leader
pulls. You need both to be effective.
David Reed "Uh-oh" is a state of mind.
H R Strategy Development Uh-oh people seem not only to
(206)655-3245 M/S 11-40 expect suprise, they count
dpr9989@kgv1.bems.boeing.com it. --(R.Fulghum)--
--DAVID REED <DPR9989@KGV1.bems.boeing.com>
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