Conversational Paradigm LO5779

Charles Parry (
22 Feb 96 00:17:24 EST

Conversational Paradigm LO5713

Don, I saw your name on the header and assumed it was a DP2logos posting - but
AHA, it was you on Learning Orgs. I found your comments interesting,
particularly the phrase

" One of the characteristics that distinguishes human beings is the use
of language both intra personally and interpersonally. "

For some reason that phrase helped me see something I'm very familiar with
in a new way. Thanks! For many years I did a lot of study and practice in
the interactive modeling of the structure of subjective experience and
experiential communication. My application was primarily in working with
elite level athletes and their coaches to adjust their mental-emotional
patterning so as to enhance their performance.

I agree that language is not just representational but also formative, and
that this occurs in at least two ways - First, the meaning-making process
of words themselves (which is what I think you are referring to). A great
resource for this sometimes is a good etymological dictionary. Second,
syntax patterns in how we use words to represent and communicate
experience are also formative. A good reference for this is John Grinder's
"Structure of Magic Vol. II".

Charles Parry
Specialized Resources International


Charles Parry <>

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