> From: RonDavison@aol.com
> Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 12:38:15 -0500
> How do we get stockholders to think more like employees? (Now that we've
> gotten employees to think more like stockholders?)
> Drucker has reported on a fascinating trend that seems to rarely be
> referenced in disucssions about this tension between stockholder and
> employee interests. Employees (via pension plans, IRAs, etc.) ARE the
> majority stockholders today. And their portion of stocks is growing.
> This results in some ironic situations. I worked at General Dynamics when
> so many folks were getting laid off at the same time that their stock was
> soaring in value. Talk about mixed feelings!
( I deleted some good stuff here )
Ron, this brings up a good idea. Let's make stockholders employees, at
least for some time. This is probably a very effective way for them to
udnerstand that the employee really has a "greater investment" in the
company than the stockholders. The typical stockholder (even whe she or
he might be an employee in some other company/org.) invests his or her
money and go back to his or her regular activities, and waits (expects) a
"good" dividend for the money! The employees invests years of his or her
life, efforts, skills, ... and hopes! This is a very long process which
takes a lot of energy.
-- *************************************************************** R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D. Voice 305 899-3515 Assoc. Prof. & Director Fax 305 892-6412 International Business Programs Andreas School of Business _________E-Mail Addresses________ Barry University Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 Internet: Blanco@bu4090.barry.edu <<<<< ---------------- >>>>> "Si un hombre fuera necesario para sostener el Estado, este Estado no deberia existir." "If one man were necessary to sustain a Nation, this Nation should not exist." Simon Bolivar ===============================================================Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>