I disagree with your assumption of layoffs.
I have been directly involved with downsizing issues here at Boeing for
a number of years. I have helped executives work through mitigation
programs and reworked processes for redeploying people. What I have
found is that there are three primary reasons for downsizing:
1. Reduction in production rates - resulting in fewer people needed
to deliver fewer products
2. Process improvements - sometimes referred to as re-engineering.
This results in people working themselves out of a job.
3. Cost cutting - resulting in dollar goals being set without
reference to work statements
Each of these carry different issues in downsizing and possibly different
strategies for mitigating their impact. We need to keep these in mind
when discussing downsizing effects on LO so that we can address each
of the issues differently. If anyone would like to explore the differing
issues behind each of these, I would be happy to participate in the
For now...
David Reed
(206)655-3245 E-mail: dpr9989@kgv1.bems.boeing.com
Human Resources Strategy Development
-- DAVID REED <DPR9989@KGV1.bems.boeing.com>Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>