Integrating learning->practice LO5625
Wed, 14 Feb 96 22:45:43 GMT

Chris Costello wrote:

> Along these lines, if organizations are viewed as "webs of participation,"
> changing the pattern of participation should change the organization. I
> wonder what effect this has on current management processes and styles?
> What are the deeply held assumptions of management that must be addressed
> for changes in participation to take root?

I think that the pattern of participation will only change if
climate, culture and power distribution are changed. Maybe the most
important conclusion is that the 'web of participation' cannot be isolated
from existing power relationships, and we should take into account that
information is not neutral, but has also power implications. The 'deeply
held assumptions' are part of the cultural web of every organization, and
part of the paradigm.

If a new tool like a management flight simulator conflicts with the
paradigm, it will be rejected by management. I saw that for PIMS
calculations done for some businesses, that came up with ROI-potentials
lower then the real ROI, caused by monopoly situations. Management
rejected such results. Even if PIMS is not a MSF as described by Senge,
you could argue that it 'simulates' the ROI by using the PIMS-database.

Wolfgang Schmid
Compuserve: ($!!)

company address: OMV AG Raffinerie Schwechat Mannswoertherstrasse 28 A-2320 Schwechat Austria/Europe

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