LO and Big Layoffs LO5266

Tobin Quereau (quereau@austin.cc.tx.us)
Wed, 31 Jan 1996 18:37:18 -0600 (CST)

Replying to LO5221 --

On 30 Jan 1996, Rol Fessenden wrote:

> In response to my statement, "These unpredictable events make controlling
> the future unrealistic. The > only viable alternative is to be fast and
> flexible so you can respond."
> Tobin Quereau added, "...and perhaps extra creative, committed, and lucky
> as well!"
> I really agree with that, and this is where the paradox comes in.
> Companies cannot be creative or committed, only their employees. How does
> one get creativity and commitment from an employee whose career at one
> company is 7 years, and he or she knows it? I don't think it's likely.

Without getting into the individual/organization issue too much, what I
hear you asking, Rol, is where does the motivation to be creative and
committed come from if it isn't based on long-term security and stability.

While those are important to many people, I think what I am talking about
can come from being in an organization which encourages and rewards
learning, values high quality work, challenges employees to continue
growing, offers everyone a chance to "make a difference" in what goes on,
and strives for a positive interpersonal environment with some room for
fun. That at least is motivating to me! Some of the most creative and
committed people I have known have working in settings where the survival
of the whole organization was questionable over the next seven months! (I
know this is all way too "ideal" sounding to be true, but consider it a
direction, not a destination.)

What motivates you to spend the time in your job or on this list that you
do? It may vary considerably from person to person, but I, for one,
wouldn't write off the possibilities without checking in with those on the
front line.

The luck part I have to leave open except to remember the wise person who
said, "Luck favors the well-prepared," or something to that effect.

Or did I misread what you meant?

Tobin Quereau