Teams - when and when not LO5241
Tue, 30 Jan 1996 23:18:13 -0500

Probably replying to LO5197 --
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I appreciate Barry's questions for use during possible team formation. I
have repeatedly seen a lack of clear sponsorship at the root of
unsuccessful and demoralizing team building efforts. When leadership is
unclear as to what the Vision is, or why we're doing this round of
reorganization, look for sponsorship. A sponsor devotes fulltime effort
to discussing the new direction, new expectations, and is willing to do so
over a long haul. This commitment is not made lightly--and involves
support, influence, resources to make it happen. As a consultant I am
committed to saying no to projects that are not well sponsored, and many
of the questions will help elicit the info needed prior to contracting.

Thanks for the reminder, Barry.

Molly Gibbs