Mid-Mgmt Change Agents LO4867

Julie Beedon (julie@vistabee.win-uk.net)
Sun, 14 Jan 1996 22:42:27

Replying to LO4785 --

>Julie Loosbrock writes:
>>One of the things we will be doing in 1996 is developing a mid-management
>>chnage agent group. The purpose of this core group is to come up with and
>>implement ideas to help mid-managers better support the changes in our
>>Corporate Culture.
>>Who should be part of this group?
>>Any special kind of format?
And the reply from Con Kenny was.....
>The word "support" implies that the changes in corporate culture have
>already been defined. If the role of this group is to carry out those
>changes, then corporate loyalists who are effective implementers are
>required. My view is that the only true support for change comes from
>people who have fought for and designed the change. However, if the role
>of the group is to initiate change, then you may need to seek iconoclasts.
>I'd recommend that the team be self-organizing, it's much more effective
>than any other charter.

I would also consider using a completely cross sectional group for this
work - one which represents enthusiasts for change as well as cynics and
all the range of perspective which might be relevant which might include
those who are 'customers' of mid-management in either direction ... The
key then will be in having these people work together using dialogue and
visioning to plan the way forward... you might even consider bringing all
the mid-managers together at once and diagnose the issues, vision, pull
together a strategy and begin implementing in real time -- how many are

Julie Beedon <julie@vistabee.win-uk.net>