Choice sometimes an illusion LO4621

Barry Mallis (
5 Jan 1996 09:31:41 U

Reply to: RE>Choice sometimes an illusion LO4585


Your thoughts make me type these words of Rumi from 700 years ago:

Think of how phenomena come trooping
out of the desert of Non-Existence into this materiality.
Morning and night they arrive, each taking over,
"It's my turn now, get out!"
We seem to be standing still, but actually we're moving,
and the fantasies of phenomena are sliding through us
like ideas through curtains.
They go to the deep well of love in each of us.
They fill their jars there and leave.
There is a source they come from, and a fountain inside here.
Be generous. Confess when you're not.
We can't know what the Divine Intelligence has in mind.
Who AM I, standing in all this thought traffic?
And these three lines of his:

Happy, not from anything that happens.
Warm, not from fire or hot bath.
Light, I register zero on a scale.


Barry Mallis