LO Bibliography LO4581

Bobbie Turniansky (bobbie@bgumail.bgu.ac.il)
Tue, 2 Jan 1996 16:08:52 +0200 (IST)

Hi all,

Rick suggested I post my LO bibliography here. It's a rather haphazard
collection of things I've found to be related to the subject and not very
up to date. Disregard any strange markings you may see - they're relevant
only to myself (I just downloaded the file but didn't clean it up -

Happy 1996 and after,

Bobbie Turniansky E - M A I L
Behavioral Sciences Dept. ===========
Ben-Gurion University Internet: bobbie@BGUMAIL.BGU.AC.IL
Beer-Sheva 84105
Phone: 972-7-472-085 Fax: 972-7-232-766

Organizational Learning
Organizational Cognition
Social Perception
Social Cognition - Bibliography

Abelson, R. Psychological status of the script concept. American
Psychologist, 1981, 36, 715-729.

Abelson, R. (1976). Script processing in attitude formation and decision
making. In Carroll, J. & Payne, W. (eds.), Cognition and Social behavior,
NJ: Erlbaum.

Argyris, C. (1976). Theories of action that inhibit individual learning.
American Psychologist, 39, 638-654

Argyris, C. Reasoning, Learning, and Action. CA: Jossey-Bass, 1982.

Argyris, C. Teaching smart people how to learn. Harvard Business Review,
1991, 61, 99-109.

Argyris, C. & Schon, D. (1976) Theory in Practice. CA: Jossey-Bass.

Argyris, C. & Schon, D. Evaluating theories of action. In Bennis, et al.
The Planning of CHange. 1976.

Argyris, C. & Schon, D. Organizational Learning: A theory of action
perspective. MA: Addison-Wesley, 1978. (Have chapter 1)

Bartunek, J. The dynamics of personal and organizational reframing. In
Quinn, R. & Cameron, K. (eds.), Paradox and Transformation: Toward a
theory of change in organization and management. MA: Ballinger, 1988, p.

Bartunek, J. Changing interpretive schemes and organizational
restructuring: The example of a religious order. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 1984, 29, 355-372.

Berger, P & Luckman, T. The Social Construction of Reality. NY: Anchor,

Bouwen, R. & Fry, R. Organizational innovation and learning.
International Studies of Management and Organization. 1991, 21, 37-71.

Bougon, M., Weick, K., & Binkhorst, D. (1977). Cognitions in
organizations: An analysis of the Utrecht Jazz Orchestra. Administrative
Science Quarterly, 2, 606-639.

Brunsson, N. (1985). The irrational organization: Irrationality as a
basis for organizational action and change. Chichester: John Wiley &

Child, J. & Smith, C. The context and process of organizational
transformation - Cadbury limited in its sector. Journal of Management
Studies, 1987, 24, 565-593.

DeSoto, C. & Albrecht, F. Cognition and social orderings. In Abelson, R.
et al. (eds.) Theories of Cognitive Consistency: A sourcebook. IL: Rand
McNally, 1968.

Downey, H. & Brief, A. How cognitive structures affect organizational
design: Implicit theories of organizing. In Sims, H., Gioia, D., et al.
(eds). The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of organizational social
cognition. CA: Jossey-Bass, 1986, 165-190.

Duncan, R. & Weiss, A. (1979). Organizational learning: Implications for
organizational design. In Staw, B. (ed.). Research in Organizational
Behavior (v. 1). CT: JAI Press, 75-123.

Dutton, J. and Duncan, R. The process of and threats to sensemaking and
their relationship to organizational learning. Unpublished, 1981.

Feldman, J. On the difficulty of learning from experience. In Sims, H.,
Gioia, D., et al. (eds). The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of
organizational social cognition. CA: Jossey-Bass, 1986, 263-292.

Fiol, C. & Lyles, M. Organizational learning. Academy of Management
Review, 1985, 10, 803-813.

Gioia, D. Symbols, scripts, and sensemaking: Creating meaning in the
organizational experience. In Sims, H., Gioia, D., et al. (eds). The
Thinking Organization: Dynamics of organizational social cognition. CA:
Jossey-Bass, 1986,p. 49-74.

Gray, B., Bougon, M., and Donnellon, A. Organizations as constructions
and destructions of meaning. Journal of Management, 1985, 11, 83-98.

Hart, S., Boroush, M., and Enk, G. Managing complexity through structural
mapping. Unpublished, 1983.

Hayes, R., Wheelwright, S., & Clark, K. Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating
the Learning Organization. NY: Free Press, 1988.

Hedberg, B. How organizations learn and unlearn. In Nystrom, R. &
Starbuck, W. (eds.). Handbook of Organizational Design (v. 1). 3-27.

Holzner, B. & Marx, J. (1979). Knowledge Application: The knowledge
system in society. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Janoff-Bulman, R. and Brickman, P. Expectations and what people learn
from failure. Mimeo, 1980, to appear in Feather, N. (Ed.). Expectancy,
Incentive, and Action. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1980.

Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. On the psychology of prediction.
Psychological Review, 1973, 80, 237-251.

Levitt, B. & March, J. Organizational learning. Annual Review of
Sociology, 1988, 14, 319-340.

Lyles, M. & Schwenk, C. Top management, strategy, and organizational
knowledge structures. Journal of Management Studies, 1992, 29, 155-174.

Lord, R. & Foti, R. Schema theories, information processing, and
organizational behavior. In Sims, H., Gioia, D., et al. (eds). The
Thinking Organization: Dynamics of organizational social cognition. CA:
Jossey-Bass, 1986, p. 20-48.

March, J. & Simon, H. Organizations. NY: Wiley, 1958. (Chap. 6 -
Cognitive limits on rationality)

McGill, M. & Slocum, J. Management practice in learning organizations.
Organizational Dynamics, 1992, 21, 5-17.

Mohrman, A. & Lawler, E. The diffusion of QWL as a paradigm shift. In
Bennis, W., Benne, K., & Chin, R. (eds). The Planning of Change (4th
ed.). NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1985, 149-159.

Nicolini, D. & Mezna, M. Expanding the boundaries of organizational
learning: The case for a new normative network. Unpublished, 1991.

Parkhe, A. Interfirm diversity, organizational learning and longevity in
global strategic alliance. Journal of International Business Studies,
1991, 22, 579-601.

Redding, S. Cognition as an aspect of culture and its relationship to
management processes: An exploratory view of the Chinese cases. Journal
of Management Studies, 1980, 17, 127-148.

Schneider, D. Social cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 1991, 42,

Schwandt, D. & Guundlach, A. Organizational learning: The development and
implementation of an operational systems model. Paper presented at the
Academy of Management Meeting, 1992.

Senge, M. & Sterman, J. Systems thinking and organizational learning:
Acting locally and thinking globally in the organization of the future.
European Journal of Operational Research, 1992, 59, 137-150.

Sentis, K. & Burnstein, E. Remembering schema consistent information:
Effects of a balance schema on memory for social relationships. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 1979, 37, 2200-2211.

Simon, H. Rational and emotional controls of cognition. Psychological
Review, 1967, 74., 29-30.

Stablein, R. & Nord, W. Practical and emancipatory interests in
organizational symbolism: A review and evaluation. Journal of Management,
1985, 11, 13-28.

Stata, R. Organizational learning: The key to management innovation.
Sloan Management Review, 1989, 30, 63074.

Torbert, W. Finding the chaos in a developmental model and in the action
awareness of late-stage executives. Paper presented at the Academy of
Management Meeting, 1992.

Weick, K. Enactment processes in organizations. In Staw, B. & Salancik,
G. (eds.). New Directions in Organizational Behavior. IL: St. Clair
Press, 1977.

Weick, K. Cognitive processes in organizations. In Staw, B. (ed.)
Research in Organization Behavior. CT: JAI, 1979, 41-74.

Weick, K. The Social Psychology of Organizing (2nd ed.) MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1979.

Westenholz, A. Paradoxical thinking and change in the frames of
reference. Organization Studies, 1993, 14, 37-58.

Wildavsky, A. The self-evaluating organization. Public Administration
Review, 1975, 509-520.

See also Social Psychology bibliography, OD, and Culture Bibliography

Bobbie Turniansky <bobbie@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>