A new twist on motivation LO4479

Dave Birren, MB-5, 608-267-2442 (BIRRED@dnr.state.wi.us)
Fri, 29 Dec 1995 10:16 CST

Responding to John Zavacki's comment in RE: Inter-species play LO4367:

> "play" in the animal kingdom is training. Notice the cuffs, nudges,
>rolls. I do no believe it is intended as play. The true learning
>organization resides in a deer herd after the first shot of rifle season,
>or the grouse as the food gets thin. We can intellectualize and manipulate
>the semantic coding strip until it is no longer recognizable, but we are
>not going to learn as a team until we need to survive as a team.

This has deep implications for motivaton. Anyone care to pick up that
thread and weave with it?


David E. Birren                          Phone:   (608)267-2442
Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources     Fax:     (608)267-3579
Bureau of Management & Budget            E-mail:  birred@dnr.state.wi.us

"Our future is to be food - Wisdom's gift - for what comes after us." -- Saadi (Neil Douglas-Klotz)