Int'l Coaching Symposium LO4429

Arline Berman (
24 Dec 95 12:44:10 EST

INVITATION TO: those of you who work as "coaches". Its hard to put this
skill and practice into a box because there are different venues, levels
of expertise, even definitions. If you are calling yourself "coach",
please consider this opportunity.

This symposium is planned for March 21-24, 1996 in Atlanta, GA. - its
purpose is to bring together those who are actively engaged in life
coaching, executive/business coaching, performance development, career
enhancement. The approach will be wholistic using "open space" technology
as a format. Our intention is to share experiences, marketing ideas, and
have fun.

Costs are nominal - payback will be phenomenal.

If interested, please contact Arline at 102021, or
phone (404)634-5284, fax(404)320-0132

Arline Berman <>