Downsizing Literature LO4425

Andrew Moreno (
Sat, 23 Dec 1995 21:01:18 -0800 (PST)

Replying to LO4421 --

On Sat, 23 Dec 1995 wrote:

> Are we into saving face, win at all costs, etc or is it something else
> that we're talking about but not modeling?
> Andrew, do we throw the process out as soon as we get a mismatch?

I think this is part of what I meant by organizational development
facilitators being in a double bind if they attempt to shift paradigms.

If you'll agree with me that Learning Level II according to Bateson is
the same as Argyris at Harvard's Double Loop Learning, then Argyris
hasn't figured out how to do paradigms shifts [learning level III]
[hopefully, very controversial statements :)]. Even if he TRIED to teach
it, there probably wouldn't be a market for it.

I'm not sure we even have a choice of throwing things out because what
will replace it will probably be a rehash - it's still on learning level

It's sort of funny.

Andrew Moreno

Andrew Moreno <>