Downsizing Literature LO4407
Fri, 22 Dec 1995 18:35:17 -0500

Replying to LO4342 --

Hank asks:

>We know how set upon the employees of the world are for only having one,
>two or eight weeks off for vacation. How about the guys who pay for these
>vacations? Do they get better "benefits" in Germany and the rest of Europe
>than we give ourselves in the U.S.?

There is, of course, no simple answer to this. Perceptions of quality of
life are grounded in fundamental questions of value. However, if I had to
generalize about the half dozen or so "middleclass" couples with whom my
wife and I visit in Europe, and their friends in whose homes we've been
entertained (admittedly, a small sample), I'd have to say for us, on
balance, that yes, their benefits, comprehensively considered, are better.

Marion Brady
