Choice is an Illusion? LO4381

Tobin Quereau (
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 09:45:26 -0600 (CST)

Replying to LO4361 --

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, John Paul Fullerton wrote:

> In regard to freedom to choose
> One thing about thinking is that it can be greatly influenced by
> knowledge that we either can or may not receive. That is, someone may
> come to my prison cell and say
> John Paul, John Paul, do you remember the red convertible with the
> white top? Do you remember when I said to you that no matter how
> thick the chain that either one day it would rust and fall off or you
> would die; either way, things won't always be this way?
> And I would remember - that someone once desired a red convertible
> with a white top so much so that they would be willing to push it
> home. Later, it wouldn't mean so much to them. I would see that he
> had found me and still knew how to communicate to my soul without
> being sentimental. I might still be in prison, but my mind wouldn't
> be. Because of words that someone could or couldn't say my vantage
> point toward destiny would be changed.
> Now, that's sentimental :)

Actually, from within my prison I would call it magical!

Thanks for the message and reminder,


Tobin Quereau <>