3rd Annual International Conference
EDucational INnovation in Economics and Business:
Innovative Practices in Business Education
December 4 - 7, 1996
Hyatt Regency-Orlando International Airport
Orlando, Florida,
Innovative Practices in Business Education
To what extent are we learning from our business leaders and educators? This
1996 International Conference of EDINEB will bring
professors/instructors/trainers, practicing managers, development officers
and graduate students from around the world to share research and information
about innovative business education. The conference will be an exceptional
opportunity to collaborate and network with others interested in this subject
area. All accepted papers will be published in a conference book.
Here are just a few of the encouraged themes:
- Action Learning
- Problem-based Learning
- Case-based Learning
- Life-long Learning
- Use of Information Technology
- Collaborative Learning
- Educating Educators
- Reengineering Executive Education
- Project-based Learning
- Redesigning Undergraduate and Master's Programs
- Integrated Education
- Corporate/University Partnerships
- From Teaching to Learning
- Making Economics Relevant in Business
- Developing Appropriate Learning Materials
- Innovative Assessment Approaches
- Accreditation (AACSB) and Innovation
Submission of poster sessions, symposia, demonstrations, workshops or any
other highly interactive session format is encouraged.
Abstracts should contain authors name(s), title/position, institution,
address and telephone number. Abstracts will be published in the official
Program. No more than two abstracts may be submitted by any one author.
Abstract submissions (maximum of 500 words) should be sent by March 1,
1996 to:
R.G. Milter
310 Copeland Hall
College of Business
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
Tel: 614 593-2072 Fax: 614 593-1388
Full papers should be available at the conference. Selected papers will be
accepted for publication in an EDINEB-sponsored book . Subsequent
information regarding conference guidelines and publications will be
[Host's Note: Info about sponsoring organization snipped by your host...]
$ 245 EDINEB members
$ 245 for nonmembers, till March 1, 1996.
$ 295 for nonmembers, after March 1, 1996
In case of cancellation, payment will be refunded if a written request
(contact R.
Milter, Ohio University) is received prior to November 1, 1996. All refunds
subject to a 10% processing fee.
Nonmembers may register at member rates if a membership application and dues
payment accompany the registration. Forms for membership registration are
available from the EDINEB Network Secretariat
The conference fee includes two lunches, and 1 copy of the conference book.
ticipants may charge their registration fees to American Express, VISA or
MasterCard / EUROCard.
On-site registration will be at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International
Hotel. Pre-registration at Wednesday, December 4, 1996 from 5 to 6 p.m.
-- Posted by W.Gijselaers@EDUC.RULIMBURG.NL