> One final thought, I like to tell people that the Golden Rule is not some goal
> we should strive for; it defines human relationships. By definition we treat
> others as we would have them treat us, for good or ill.
The challenge with your definition of the Golden Rule is this:
Joe is very people oriented, likes to discuss things slowly, in great
detail, and with a lot of relationship building. Peter cuts to the bottom
line, gets the job done, and think relationships will take care of
themselves. Joe and Peter are two quite different people. If Joe treats
Peter like Joe wants to be treated, Peter may take offence, get impatient
and bored, and not particularly enjoy dealing with Joe.
Now, in human relationships, we should treat others as they want to be
treated. Depending upon the relationship, if Joe treats Peter like Peter
wants to be treated, Joe will create a bond with Peter. This becomes a
win-win for both parties. Especially in working relationships, people
have to find middle ground for treating each other.
-- Gary Scherling Gscherl@fed.ism.ca Ottawa, Canada FYI (214) 606-2000 Helping people help themselves http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/GScherling_GMS_TPN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Note: homepage recently corrected)