Stories of Paradigm Shifts LO4179

Rol Fessenden (
10 Dec 95 01:44:26 EST

My story is a somewhat sad one. My daughter, Heidi, was 5 and her little
sister, Alicia, was 2. It was 15 years ago, and Heidi had a friend who
was dying of Leukemia. Of course, this raised many questions of death,
and Heidi asked if grandma and grandpa would die, and if we -- her parents
-- would die, and if she would die. Furthermore, what did death mean. We
explained elaborately and at length that yes, all would die eventually,
but in the normal course of events, we would die before she and her sister
would, and she needn't worry too much about that happening soon.

To my surprise, Heidi was extremely disturbed by this. When I asked why,
she said, "Daddy, when you die, I will have to take care of Alicia, and
I'm not big enough to reach the cupboards."

Rol Fessenden <>