Intro -- Francis Wade LO4086
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 09:27:56 -0500


I've been lurking on this list for some time and thought it was probably
time to begin to "speak up" and introduce myself. It's been fun just
reading the shared ideas and thoughts, and am finally at the point where I
can share some of my own, which I'm looking forward to doing.

My name is Francis Wade, and I won a firm that bears my name, Francis
Wade Consulting. I'm a Cornell educated engineer who came to the US from
Jamaica, and I'm also a former employee of AT&T Bell Labs. In my firm's
work we (myself plus anyone I'm working with) focus on creating
breakthrough results for our clients, and we produce them by developing
the company's own ability to reinvent itself. I start with whatever
change project that's current (usually reengineering) and simultaneously
a) work with and guide the reengineering team and b) identify and train
the internal company change agents.

In the training and coaching I provide the change-agents I let them in
on an important secret: all change is cultural in nature, regardless of
what you call it, and no change agent will be effective without
deliberately altering prevailing ways of relating, and ways of
thinking/being. In other words, changed processes aren't enough to either
impact the bottom-line for long, nor is it enough to provide the
satisfaction and security that people come to work to get for themselves.

The most effective method of training I use is one-on-one coaching over
3-6 months, and what I've found is that the things that stop people from
creating change around them is usually specific to them, and usually is in
the realm of "what they don't know they don't know" (rather than in some
tool or piece of public information they haven't yet discovered.) The
training I provide is built on the premise that change always begins when
one person shares their vision for the future with another...powerfully.

I believe that any company's future relies on the future that its
change agents are living into, person by person. They are the ones who
will either prompt change before it's absolutely and critically needed, or
not. If they don't speak up powerfully, then the company will experience
dire consequences and forever wonder "what happened." I'm a stand for
their voices being heard.


Francis Wade Consulting         908-699-9116
39 Sturbridge Drive                  908-699-9084 (fax)
Piscataway, NJ 08854   

Creating breakthrough results by developing each company's ability to reinvent itself.

--reengineering --transforming corporate cultures --coaching change agents --developing and supporting company visionaries ===============================================================