Re: Def. of Learning Org LO4069

John Woods (
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 08:32:19 -0600 (CST)

Replying to LO4043 --

How many of you have heard this brief line:

Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended
on you.

John Woods

>David Hurst said a number of interesting things, among them:
>"In their appeal to desirable outcomes without specifying the means for
>their achievement, most strategy statements have the logical status of
>prayer! Let me hasten to add that IMHO this is fine, as long as it is
>recognized as such and the management process conducted accordingly. One
>way prayer "works" is if it is treated as an appeal for joint action from
>a community with shared values and a common vision."
>I would add that most strategy statements have components which appear to
>be mutually contradictory. One of the great values of this is that if we
>simply accept the value of two "mutually contradictory" ends, we make
>break through the paradigm that makes them mutually contradictory and find
>a new paradigm in which the contradiction disappears.
>In this context, management strategies really do add value.
> Rol Fessenden
> LL Bean

-- (John Woods)