Re: Learning Beyond the Paradigm LO4037
Sun, 3 Dec 1995 22:33:18 -0500

Replying to LO4020 --

irt: Michael McMaster, Sun, Dec 3, 1995 5:32 PM EST

I guess it's time to stop lurking about and become a participant...

Michael, the advise you offer for the noise outside the paradigm seems a
good sound approach. An approach which may work well for those that choose
to follow the path.

What I find to be the more puzzling question is how do you will the blind
to see? For those that have already determined that they know the answer
what falls outside the paradigm is considered a irrevelant anomaly. As
inferred by the ladder of inference in The Fifth Discipline and the Field
Book, belief short circuits reality by influencing the data we select to
pay attention to. This is most certainly consistent with Thomas S. Kuhn in
"The Nature of Scientific Revolutions."

Kuhn rather came to the conclusion that the solution of greatest leverage
was to teach new paradigms to the next generation and wait for the current
generation to die off. Yet even this is difficult as the teachers of the
next generation are the holders of the current paradigms.

So again I as, how do you will the blind to see. Which may sound like an
absurd question in this context because I'm directing this question to an
audience that already sees. It's a lot like the fact that those that run
all the time don't need to run because they run, and those that attend all
the cutting edge conferences are the ones that don't need to attend
because they already know all the stuff from attending.

All great progress comes from converting non-believers... And we're all
here talking to each other because it's far more comfortable than trying
to talk to others that don't want to listen because they already know the
truth, their truth, and they defend against those that would attempt to
tear donw the facade.

enough of my ramblings for now,
guess I'll go back to lurking,

Gene Bellinger,