Re: Back and Forward Planning LO3920

Matzdorf, Fides (
Tue, 28 Nov 95 15:21:00 GMT

Replying to LO3836 --

Barak Rosenbloom writes:

>My team has developed an organizational self-assessment, based on the
>Baldrige criteria - which can be used in exactly the layered way Robert
>describes. We are using it in my office in Seattle as pat of our "Quest"
>for learning and understanding. We have done some visioning work, and we
>have begun the self-assessment process, during which we will create a more
>detailed vision, from which we can identify opportunities based on the
>present, and so on . . .
>Barak Rosenbloom, Troublemaker

Dear Troublemaker,

you're troubling my mind here! What you write about organisational
self-assessment sounds very interesting. How does it work? Could you
elaborate on this, please, or would you give away organisational secrets?
