Re: Def. of Learning Org LO3858
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 08:24:46 -0500

Replying to LO3846 --

Andrew calls attention to Michael Jackson's article in Vol. 12, No. 1, of
the journal Systems Research, in which Jackson criticizes a number of
"gurus". Jackson has used the term "fashion accessories for top
management" to describe the modern set of gurus. In another message (I
think it was LO3845), Andrew is disappointed by the lack of much research
on groups.

Andrew, if you will get a copy of Vol. 12, No. 1, you will see a paper in
there by John N. Warfield titled "Spreadthink" in which he describes
research findings stemming from group work. This will point you toward a
long period of research on groups.

I have published three books about my research on groups. These books
point to others who have done research on groups. Believe me, there has
been a lot of research on groups, and you will probably be delighted to
see how much and to see the quality of some of it.

It is also interesting to note that much of this research has been applied
in the UK at City University, London, in the Department of Systems
Science. Some of it has also been applied by Keith Ellis at the
University of Humberside. Keith is a department chairman in the school
for which Jackson is Dean.

John N. Warfield