Re: Using Corporate Memory LO3242

Barry Mallis (
18 Oct 1995 08:31:05 -0400

Reply to: RE>>Using Corporate Memory LO3230

Thanks for your reply, Art. You wrote:

>Thanks, Barry. I admit that "someone screwed up" was a bit glib as an
>example of a typical myth. But it still rings true to me. I don't quite
>follow what you mean by, "the medium for the message..."

What I meant by "medium etc." was that the screw up serves as a
focus/locus for the myth, but not the "point" or moral (if there is one)
of the myth. The prince falls, the princess pricks her thumb, the boy
confronts the angry dragon, etc. These are examples of the medium of the
myth, the story line of the myth.

I guess I'd call the screw up part of the rising action, so that the
message becomes the denouement. I hope that's a little bit clearer. Best
