Re: Sharing the Learning LO3200
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:56:42 -0400

Replying to LO3152 --

>Please help if you know of "HOW TO" strategies that have worked.
>(lectures, experiential learnings, videos, publications,
>compensation-reward systems, etc.).

There's SOME information about this in the new issue of Fortune (10/30
cover date), in my column "The Leading Edge" which describes how some
consulting firms have set up and manage knowledge databases. Comments from
Carol Anne Ogdin, who also participates in this list, are quoted there.

The story doesn't go into a lot of detail about "how to" strategies, but
I'd call you attention to a couple of points in it: (1) the role of
technology in making knowledge easy to share---this doesn't increase
incentives to share, but it sure decreases disincentives, which is No
Small Thing; (2) the role of the "knowledge integrator," who is a sort of
librarian-cum-social-director for sharing learning.

Tom Stewart