Intro -- David Reed LO3184

Sun, 15 Oct 1995 16:11:28 -0700 (PDT)

I am a new user of the learning org listing. I have spent a great deal of
time reading about learning organizations, attending seminars
where the subject was discussed, and working with others who are trying to
implement the concept. I feel I have a good, shallow grasp of the five
disciplines but I am having difficulty understanding what a learning
organization looks like when implemented. I have read the "why bother"
discussion and found it to be helpful. I am working with our company
presidents to define the desired culture and people strategies to lead us
there. How can the culture of a learning organization be described? What
strategies have been adopted by other companies to move toward a learning
organization? How do manufacturing methods such as lean manufacturing
affect learning organization concepts? I believe culture is best defined
as an integrated pattern of beliefs, traditions, celebrations, what is
respected, and what drives actions. Has anyone else defined their company's
culture in these terms? Sorry about all of the questions but this area is very
fascinating which results in more questions than answers.

 Dave Reed
 (206)655-3245 M/S 11-04
 Internet Address: