Thanks, Willard, for the response you posted concerning your experience at
the conference in Boston. I, too, was there, and found myself stimulated
in numerous ways by the speakers and fellow participants. I noticed in
Danah's presentation that she made several remarks about what she
understood Peter to have said. I had a different take on his remarks
myself, so I guess we all learn through our filters and assumptions
regardless of our position and/or experience with dialogue, learning
organizations, etc.
As I read your very moving description of what happened for you, I was
reminded of a short verse that came to me after reading Senge, Argyris,
and others. Like your exquisite "two liner" it came to me as a result of
the ferment initiated by new learning. I share it with you by way of
thanks for your taking the time to add to that learning.
Believing is Seeing
Tobin Quereau
Beliefs influence perception.
Perception structures reality.
Reality suggests possibilities.
Possibilities generate choices.
Choices initiate actions.
Actions affect outcomes.
Outcomes impact beliefs.
Awareness facilitates change.
Change anywhere becomes change
Images of closed loops, inward spirals, and expanding spirals come to mind
when I visualize this notion. Your comments definitely demonstrate an
expanding spiral of learning and knowledge.
Thanks for the lesson,
-- Tobin Quereau