Each of the 19 students wrote down a response which was placed on a large
sheet of paper so all could see it. The student read her or his response,
which was then clarified if needed. Then the class placed the 19
responses into what turned out to be four logical groups.
Below are the 19 individual responses typed beneath the larger group
1. I want the company to be in a good spot so I don't have to drive a long way
2. I want the company to sell near my house
3. I would like to be able to be delivered to when I want and how I want
4. I would want them to serve within a day if they do not have what you want
5. Treat me nicely--"can I help you" spirit
6. I want the people that serve me to be friendly
7. I'd want the company to help me if I can't find something
8. I'd like them to serve me with a lot of respect
9. To be treated nicely and loyally; act like an old friend
10. I would like the store to act like a neighbor
11. I want the company to give me their complete attention
12. I would like them to treat me good and help me
13. I want the company to help people make the right decision
14. I would like them to let me use the product
15. I want to have samples of the things
16. Have low prices and good products
17. I would like them to have very low prices
18. I want the company to come out with new things to look at
19. I want the company to give me examples of their products.
Mr. Bruce Cloutier, the class teacher, has an Internet connection in his
classroom. If you would like to comment on the student work, please do
so. May I suggest that specific comments unrelated to the Learning
Organization list be sent directly to the class rather than posted to this
list unless you believe there is a thread for us adults to pursue alone or
in tandem with the class.
Here's the classroom address: bcloutie@keene.edu
Identify yourself to the class by stating, besdies your name,
o your profession, ("What work I do as an adult" kind of thing)
o geographically where you work (this will not be immediately noticeable to
the kids, and messages from "out of town" will engender some element of awe
and appreciation)
o you reactions, comments, observations about these ten and eleven year olds'
Bruce Cloutier will be the filter for any subsequent communication, which
I hope will occur in ways educational but as yet unforeseen.
If you have any comments for me about this exercise, contact me, too!
Best regards,
-- Barry Mallis bmallis@markem.com