Corporate memory LO2870

Tue, 19 Sep 1995 11:09:14 GMT-0930

Replying to LO2861 --

Dear Learning-org-ers

John Prins <>
Wrote Re: Virtual Teams LO2861

> I work with a Groupware product that permits - actually it raises
> to a new level of productivity - groups to participate in working meetings
> by remote dialup. Members agree in advance to participate in a foundation
> [brainwriting] exercise for a set period, say from 8AM to noon on a given
> day. Then depending on the nature of the problem, planning needs, or
> decision, subsequent exercises are accessed to manipulate the data. For
> many of the exercises, groups members can act independently of one another
> - they need not convene, or "do" their meeting at the same time.

Yes I would like to discuss this further, for two reasons:

1. Colleagues in Western Australia are researching computerised group
decision support systems - with hardware and software tools to facilitate
a virtual meeting. I'll check to see if they mind being posted on this

2. My Colleague (Neil Lewis) & I have researched and written on the
problems of corporate memory loss with organisational re-structuring,
especially "de-layering" (a la Hammer & Champy- "Re-engineering"). Some
organisations are claiming that they are using groupware (like Lotus
NOTES) to ensure capture of corporate memory to avoid such losses.

a) one of our papers is published as:
Sharp, C.A. & Lewis, N.R. (1993) "Informatino systems
and corporate memory: Design for staff turnover". Australian Journal
of Information Systems, Sept., vol. 1, no.1, pp. 75 - 83.

b) does anyone on this list know of such deliberate use of groupware?
does anyone have any research on corporate memory loss to share with us?

Thanks for interesting posts!

Dr Colin A. Sharp
Assoc. Prof. of Management
Flinders Institute of Public Policy & Management
Faculty of Social Sciences
Flinders University, GPO Box 2100 Adelaide
South Australia, 5001
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