Dear Learning-org-ers
John Prins <>
Wrote Re: Virtual Teams LO2861
> I work with a Groupware product that permits - actually it raises
> to a new level of productivity - groups to participate in working meetings
> by remote dialup. Members agree in advance to participate in a foundation
> [brainwriting] exercise for a set period, say from 8AM to noon on a given
> day. Then depending on the nature of the problem, planning needs, or
> decision, subsequent exercises are accessed to manipulate the data. For
> many of the exercises, groups members can act independently of one another
> - they need not convene, or "do" their meeting at the same time.
Yes I would like to discuss this further, for two reasons:
1. Colleagues in Western Australia are researching computerised group
decision support systems - with hardware and software tools to facilitate
a virtual meeting. I'll check to see if they mind being posted on this
2. My Colleague (Neil Lewis) & I have researched and written on the
problems of corporate memory loss with organisational re-structuring,
especially "de-layering" (a la Hammer & Champy- "Re-engineering"). Some
organisations are claiming that they are using groupware (like Lotus
NOTES) to ensure capture of corporate memory to avoid such losses.
a) one of our papers is published as:
Sharp, C.A. & Lewis, N.R. (1993) "Informatino systems
and corporate memory: Design for staff turnover". Australian Journal
of Information Systems, Sept., vol. 1, no.1, pp. 75 - 83.
b) does anyone on this list know of such deliberate use of groupware?
does anyone have any research on corporate memory loss to share with us?
Thanks for interesting posts!
-- Col Dr Colin A. Sharp Assoc. Prof. of Management Flinders Institute of Public Policy & Management Faculty of Social Sciences Flinders University, GPO Box 2100 Adelaide South Australia, 5001 Phone: -61-8-201-2629 Fax: -61-8-201-2273 Home: -61-8-387-0369 Mobile (Aust) 015-790-030 email: