> My dad would say to my little brother when we were young, "Do you want to
> race me up the stairs or do you want me to carry you up the stairs?"
> My little brother would hastily retort, "I AM NOT GOING TO BED!"
> :)
> -----
> Host's note (slightly perplexed): So, Andrew, I guess the moral of this
> story is that kids are awfully smart. If so, I certainly agree.
> ----
It seems to me there is another lesson in this lovely vignette for us, and
that is that somewhere, deep inside every adult, is the intuitive child
that KNOWS the truth and reacts appropriately to those situations where a
manager says something like " We're going to change this organisation into
one that has participatory management. You are hereby empowered", but
REALLY means " Let's see if THIS will screw more productivity out of you
so that we can then fire half of you."
-- Phillip Capper Centre for Research on Work, Education and Business PO Box 2855 Wellington New ZealandPh: 64+ 4 4998140 Fx: 64+ 4 4733087
EMail: pcapper@actrix.gen.nz