Re: Knowledge vs. Belief LO2625

Barry Mallis (
30 Aug 1995 08:02:02 -0400

Reply to: RE>Knowledge vs. Belief LO2612

Neat definitions, John. And?

I'm left a little flat with these concepts as presented. Now for me, if
you had woven into these truisms a concept of "investment" or "vestment"
or some such thing, then I'd be more interested from the business/learning
organization point of view. I'm certain you've purposely piqued us, and
that Hoopes has much more to say. You're such a tease!

Let's see if I can explain myself. I disagree about de-personalization
when one moves from conviction to truth, or from belief to knowledge. As
others have typed into this list, we are walking, talking, breathing
filters of experience, and even when we proclaim Truth and Love and
Knowledge, we do so as persons, as beings with persona (masks). We
invest, or vest, our being in small and large ways, in large measure and

I can accept a further existential slicing and dicing as apparently
presented by Hoopes in his book (which I have not read). But the side of
me which does the actual metaphysical "accepting" "knows" that there's no
way to separate my animus from the thing in itself--this thing identified
as de-personalized (Truth, Knowledge).

Isn't it nice how sometimes poets can capture the nature of those very
ephemeral expressions on topics we wish to illuminate? My Friend Rumi has
some kind words for us, I believe:

Since we've seen each other, a game goes on.
Secretly I move, and you respond.
You're winning, you think it's funny.

But look up from the board now, look how
I've brought in furniture to this invisible place,
so we can live here.

Best regards,

Barry Mallis