Re: Constancy of Intention LO2319

Barry Mallis (
3 Aug 1995 08:49:53 -0400

Replying to LO2303 --

Reply to: RE>Constancy of Intention LO2303

Martha White commented on my use of the the words "constancy of
intention", and further on building in quality versus what I'll refer to
in quotation marks as "merely" checking for quality. Her thoughts for
some reason conjure up this observation.

For ALL OF US on this list, remember the milling machine operators, the
paint shop mixers, the assemblers and fitters, the secertaries, many of
whom have not gone beyond high school in education. While each and every
one has a concept of quality (e.g. I'll buy this less expensive, plastic
leaf rake instead of the more expensive, but more durable wood slat rake,
because I don't need that higher quality for my small yard and it's fall
of leaves--I understand the quality difference and will make a conscious
IN THOUGHT and the PRACTICAL application in vivo of skills we concoct,
espouse, use or admire.

>From time to time I am a fanatic of one particular posting or another
which describes real encounters. About two months ago one gentleman
business owner from California carried on a particularly intersting thread
about his view of how he paid his employees for their performance. I was
enthralled at his voice from the real side.

I also understand the place of thinking, too--please, don't get me
entirely wrong (get me just a little wrong. Focused anger can be
transformed for the good, no?). I am as culpable as anyone; this list
serves a superb function. I am trying to use it to the utmost. I have
sent your words to the president and the chairman of my company because
your thoughts were so insightful and inspiring. Ah, but that nagging
ram's horn calling somewhere from the Badlands of practicality and
application. If I don't heed it, I'll turn to stone.

And you? Would you rather be molded from soft clay, or chipped at because
you have been for millenia as hard as cararra?

Barry Mallis