I have recieved requests for references to the Group Relations Conference
(GRC) literature. Some of the standard ones are listed below.
Easy to get:
Group Relations Reader I and Group Relations Reader II available from the
A.K. Rice National Office
POB 1776
Jupiter , FL 33468-1776
$24.95 each plus $3.00 for shipping
(407) 744 1350
Difficult to find but worth the effort:
Bion, W.R. Experiences in Groups, Newyork: Basic Books, 1961
Dumas, R.G. "Dilemmas of Black Females in Leadership" Journal of Personality
and Social Systems, 2:3-14, 1979
Rioch, M.J. "Are We all Like Sheep(Issiah 53:6); Followers and Leaders"
Psychiatry, 34:258-273; 1971
Rioch, M.J. "Group Relations: Rationale and Technique" International Journal
fo Group Psychotherapy, 20:340-355, 1970
Rice, A.K. Learning for Leadership , London: Tavistock Publications, 1965.
Recent books in the Tavistock tradition:
Alford, C. Fred , Group Psychology & Political Theory, Yale University, 1994
ISBN 0-300-05958-2 ( contains an execellent bibliography)
Hirschhorn, L , The Workpalce Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life,
MIT Press, 1988 ISBN 0-262-08169-5
Lyth, Isabel Menzies, Containing Anxiety in Institutions, Free Associations
Books, London, 1988 ISBN 1-85343-001-3
Miller, Eric, From dependency to autonomy: Studies in organization and
change, Free Associations Books, London 1993 ISBN 1-85343-335-7
Shapiro, Edward and Carr, Wesley, Lost in Familiar Places, Yale University,
1991 ISBN 0-300-04947-1
-- JJWKnight@aol.com