Reply to: RE>Clinging and grasping LO2016
To Jackie's request for comments and experiences related to her comments
in "clinging and grasping".
Theoretically, the whole world should empty into your glass with that
question, Jackie! And the glass would remain clear.
Personally, I have often felt myself approaching an edge or boundary
across which my usual, constrained and organized self would fall apart in
a million pieces for lack of rational touch point. In such a momentary
state, I wonder about what the "other side" might be like or unlike. I
draw back for fear. And at the same time my rational mind can discern an
indistinct outline of another place, another state. It's as though I were
losing it, suddenly rocketing away briefly from this reality to a distance
or height which makes my current life look unusual. Then, like a head on
a long rubber band, I slingshot back to my shoulders and resume the
relatively quotidien.
Perhaps there is insight to be harvested from within such territory as
that where I fear to remain longer than I have allowed myself. Perhaps
these insights could serve learning--and business--in subtle ways.
The sublime is communicated between us through words spoken and written.
Within the thought, sometimes conveyed through metaphor, sometimes related
through a story, are kernels of Wisdom gathered in the garden of Presence.
Leaders/story-tellers in business replant these kernels whose intuitive
roots travel deep. The business "world" may be acting as an inhibiting
agent in such root development. That's perhaps the central paradox of
business. The two realms I speak of cannot coexist in the same place,
they cannot be "present" at the same time. We can only bring "tales" from
one to the other; we can only take our jar from one and fill it at the
well of the other, then return to the first to spill and/or fill.
I am hinting at a limiting factor in bringing Dharma to business. We on
this list are proof that we can bring it very, very close. But at the
point of contact, there's an explosion of the kind I described at the
beginning of this thought piece.
And you, Jackie?
-- Barry Mallis