Periodic Info Message for Learning-Org (June 13, 1995)
This message is posted periodically on Learning-org. The Subject line
will say "New" or "Old" to indicate when there are significant revisions.
If you did not keep the "Welcome" message when you subscribed, please
keep one of these Info msgs.
1) How to leave Learning-org
2) For info about Learning-Org
3) Telling others about Learning-org
4) World-Wide-Web version of Learning-Org is now available!
5) Please sign your messages, etc.
6) How to contact your host
1) How to leave Learning-org
To leave the learning-org list send email to
The subject line is ignored. In the body of the message
unsubscribe learning-org
To come back, send the same message with
subscribe learning-org
...instead of unsubscribe.
If you're on the digest list, then
...instead of learning-org
Any problems, *forward* to me the message that indicates that there is a
2) For info about Learning-Org
For info about Learning-Org, including regular and digest versions,
policies, etc. you can use a Web Browser or send an email message.
Via the Web, the URL is <> and the last
two characters are "el-oh," not "one-zero."
By email, please msg to our faithful robot,
The subject line is ignored; begin your msg with these two
info learning-org
If you have trouble, please *forward* whatever you have that
indicates there is a problem. Mail us at
3) Telling others about Learning-org
Please do spread the word! But, please remember that this is an
all volunteer effort. The procedures above are designed to give
complete information without any manual intervention. If you
pass on incorrect information, it will create work for your
Please do not casually give the subscription instructions from
memory, this has caused a lot of trouble in the past. Instead,
wait till you can locate and pass on the "How to get info"
instructions above.
4) World-Wide-Web version of Learning-Org is now available!
I am very pleased to announce that a World-Wide-Web version of
Learning-Org is now operational. It provides a different way to
participate that may be more attractive to some of you that the
email format. This will be attractive to some, while others will
prefer participating through email.
On the Web, resources are located by URL, and the URL for
Learning-Org is given above.
If you have a Web Browser, you can find messages by date,
thread, subject, or author. You can read what you want, when you
want, and your Browser will probably keep track of what you've
seen vs. what's new to you. You can continue a discussion thread
right from your Browser or start a new topic. In short, this is
not just an archive for use once in a while to find a lost
message, but a different way to participate fully in the
Learning-Org discussions.
5) Please sign your messages, etc.
Please sign your messages with name, organization, and email address, at
the bottom of the message.
If you are replying to another msg, please a) leave the LO### in
the subject line or mention it in the first line of the message,
and b) include a quote of *just enough* of the previous message
so we'll know to what you are replying.
If you are replying to another msg, please consider whether to
send your reply to the other person only or to the whole
Learning-Org list.
6) How to contact your host
Send me email (my address is below). And, there are mail-to links on the
Learning-Org web pages.
-- Your host:Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Innovation Associates, Inc. | email: 3 Speen St, Framingham MA 01701 | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List (508) 879-8301 and fax 626-2205 | <>