I will be on the staff of a GRC at Bryn Mawr Aug 11 thru Aug 16. This type
of conference is based of a model developed by the Tavistock Institute of
Human Relations . The Bryn Mawr conference has been run annually for
thirty years. The topic this year is Authority, Leadership, and
Organizational Life.
I have attended more than thirty of these conferences over the last ten
years and vouch that they are an excellent way to "encounter" people. They
are used by some organizational consultants to "break the ice" in
organizations prior to entering the system.
I would be glad to send brochures on request.
Personally I am interested in encountering readers of this list who live
in the Wash DC area.
Host's Note: John, would you followup your own message and tell us a
little about how these work? It sounds like you think they promote
learning or create the environment for learning. If so, please tell us
-- John Knight (301) 365 2495 jjwknight@aol.com