I do know of some contact people at American Express who are currently
involved in a re-engineering project. However, I have a question. Why
are you only interested in failures? Why not ask for both successes and
failures? What assumptions underly your request? Are failures more
useful than successes? You can contact me off-line to obtain contacts at
Subject: Re: BPR failures LO1847
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 1995 10:58PM
FROM: Karl Lloyd MIS Doctoral Program, KGSB, Univ. Of Pittsburgh
<Does anyone on the list have suggestions about where I might find case
<studies on business process reengineering failures at major (fortune 500)
<corporations. I am looking at BPR and TQM and how they have relate (from
<the start and as they have evolved) to the ideas put forth in Senge's "The
<Fifth Discipline." Amoco, Citibank, and American Express are supposed to
<have had highly noted BPR failures in the early 90's, but I cannot find
<any case studies or other detailed information on these or any other large
<corporations having failures with BPR. Also, are there "classic" cases of
<TQM failures (recent - 90's) at certain large corporations. Thank -you in
<advance for any leads.
-- Margie Mulligan Manager of Continuous Improvement Oncology Systems <margie.mulligan@OS.varian.com>