> Regarding LO1666 and its mention of the Myers-Briggs as a
> Has anybody heard about, or done anything with, Enneagram
ideas? My wife brought a book home from the library once,
and then a week later the same book showed up at a
consulting firm I was working with. I read a bunch of
books, and then stopped. There was a lot to like: a) it's
free (in most presentations) of occult or mystical stuff; b)
it doesn't have too many categories; c) it doesn't try to
explain anything -- just classify.
-- snip --
> And did I read somewhere that Myers-Briggs was in some way
historically related to the Enneagram ideas?
I have seen a translation key of Enneagram to Myers-Briggs, but I
do not recall the title or author. The Enneagram is an ancient
Suffi system passed on by word of mouth until captured and
written down by 20th century therapists. It goes beyond Myers-
Briggs and simple classification. It includes guidance on what
each classified type needs to do to reach a higher level of
maturity and insight.
The Enneagram is based on the notion that each classified type of
person filters out certain types of information. This helps
maintain a preconceived view of how the world operates. To
achieve a higher level, the Enneagram alerts the typed person to
the kind of information they automatically block, and encourages
them to pay attention to the full spectrum of information. When
someone successfully opens themselves to the previously blocked
information, Franciscan monks (who have adopted the Enneagram)
refer to these people as 'redeemed'.
I think the Enneagram might be useful for selecting people for
positions, and for assuring the creation of balanced teams. It
may also be useful for guiding and nurturing staff. However, I
have not had a chance to try it yet.
-- FRITZR@dnr.state.wi.us (Roger Fritz, AM/7, 608-266-1201)