Re: Handling Power & Politics LO1827

Ketan Lakhani (
Wed, 28 Jun 95 12:43 EET

>Replying to LO1725
>Barry Mallis said in part:
>>>> I think power (politics) is as central to organizational process as
>anything; and we integrate it into our conversations less than other
>facets of LO, because it's so fraught with...with...with what?<<<<
>My answer is JUSTICE. Justice is the big bug a boo about the capitalistic
>system which favors the strong, the powerful, the money.

>Politics is the toughest part of my job and always has been. I hate it
>actually and avoid it if I can. I am ready to be taught. What ideas do people

After spending years as a labour and political activist in South
Africa it has become natural to understand that ALL
organisations are about power - and its manifestation is in the
form of politics. And so this naive response amazes me.

BUT after spending equal years in corporate oranisations I also
understand where this naivete comes from - like so many other
areas of corporate life, the "powers-that-be" - the shareholders
and the representatives, the management - have made it
"impolite" to talk of this openly understanding that as soon as
people are comfortable dealing with and understanding power and
its relationships, they will challenge the power-base of the

It is for this reason that most learning organisations fail to
become that -- there is a barrier of politeness around the issue
of power. Without a powershift (to use Toffler's words) all else
becomes lip-service.

"Power" and "politics" are not inherently bad -- they are the
manifestations of group activity. It is when people opt out of
it that they not only disempower themselves but ultimately
damage the organisation by not permitting EVERY person from
growing and contributing into the organisation.

Thus, in my understanding, developing a learning organisation has
always been the process of expanding the power base in an
organisation and challenging the status quo - constructively and

So, don't just do your job, become a power(ful) player!


KETAN L. LAKHANI Voice: +27 31 3011229
Snailmail: P.O. Box 5520, DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA
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