Re: Leadership Can be Taught? LO1812

Barry Mallis (
27 Jun 1995 13:01:12 -0400

Reply to: RE>>Leadership Can be Taught LO1746

To Doug Blair about teaching leaders to be "politic"

I so agree with you, Doug. And I who read the editorials daily, who
listen to Morning Edition and All Things Considered, still am loathe to
define politics.

Perhaps it's because it's a topic I hate so much. But why is that? And
is the politics you and I may refer to the same; or the same in business
as in government (it's most obvious, public manifestation)?

I believe that the politics of government and Love cannot co-exist,
because Love and Power cannot co-exist. Politics is, in its government
flavor, based upon power.

We are reading such wonderful ideas about leadership. Most all are devoid
of power concept associated with politics. I won't define its meaning
now. I want to be prodded, or have someone else hold forth.

Leaders are sometimes needed by groups, because they provide focus, moral
suasion, torch-bearing, voice and eclat. My question has often been, do
leaders require power, or can they lead otherwise? Did Jeanne d'Arc lead
at all times from Power? Does conviction still play?

I repeat four lines of Rumi:

In complete control, pretending control,
with dignified authority, we are charlatans.
Or maybe just a goat's hair brush in a painter's hand.
We have no idea what we are.

Barry Mallis