Re: The Meaning of Holism LO1773
Sat, 24 Jun 1995 15:12:22 -0400

Replying to LO1756 --

Barry, you said on 6/24 >>>I think we always DO start from the whole.
It's what confronts us; it's what we are a part of and wish to see as a
whole in order to derive some modicum of comfort, isn't it? We WANT

I wonder if I misunderstand you? Where I come from turfdom and
territoritality reigns supreme. It's me first and "I'm sorry, do you have
a problem in your department?" "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

I think the dog eat dog paradigm is much more prevalent than the idea that
we are all in this together. It's sink or swim , pal, and every person for

I meet very few people, and perhaps you are one, who start from the whole
or are even aware of the whole or even want to be aware of the whole. I
spend my day asking my employees "What do think will happen to ________ if
we do_______? " just to try to raise consciousness that no man is an
island and we need to be aware of the ramifications of how our behavior
effects others.

End of sermon. You realy already knew this, right? So did I misunderstand,
or are you just busting chops?

David Markham