Re: Proper Rate of Learning LO1496

Bernard Girard (
Fri, 2 Jun 1995 09:33:15 +0000

Replying to LO1462 --

>In most Japanese offices (....) if I go to a
>colleague's door and s/he is chewing a pen and gazing at the ceiling, or
>staring out of the window, THEN I go away - for it is at those times that
>I know that the most important work is going on

Are you really sure the most important work is going on while chewing a
pencil? I never saw a worse productivity than in japanese offices (nothing
to do with the factories where they know how to increase productivity).
When there, I saw a lot of bureaucracy (letters go through layers of
management before being sent to anyone), some lazziness (I know it's not a
thing to say, but it looked like it) and the difficulty to take any
decision. Even the japanese are starting to doubt somme of their methods.

Bernard Girard <>