Short Introductions to LO LO1224

Mon, 15 May 1995 13:40:33 -0500

Replying to LO1205 --

<<<anyone know a good video>>>>>>
Greetings....The Systems Thinking in Action series by Pegasus is very
worthwhile. You might try the preview tape...Building a Foundation for
Tomorrow's Organizations....I've used it and it provided (in our setting,
anyway...psychiatric hospitals and centers for the developmentally
disabled) a fertile field for facilitating motivation to go forth. Let me know
what you think. Thanks...Myrna

From: Myrna Casebolt <CASEBMJ@WP.DHSS.STATE.WI.US>

>>> Graham Johnson <> 05/14/95 07:25pm >>>
Does anybody know of a good introductory video to "the learning
organisation" or " The Fifth Discipline".

Getting people, particularly senior people interested isn't easily achieved
(at least in the first instance) by asking them to read a book.