Re: Resistance to Change LO850

Tom Benthin (
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:47:52 -0800

Don't remember seeing this posted yet in this thread, and just came across
it tonight while reading Marv Weisbord's wonderful book, "Productive
Workplaces: Organizing and Managing for Dignity, Meaning and Community"
(Jossey-Bass, 1987). This is the best comment I've seen yet regarding
resistance to change:

"I hate to hear anxious people labeled 'change resisters', as if the
natural cycle of human experience is an evil legion to be defeated by
superior methodological firepower on the force fields of organizational
strife. Resistance is as natural as eating. I am learning to accept my
own resistance too, especially to client expectations I cannot meet."

Tom Benthin Vernunft wird Unsinn
San Francisco, Ca Wohltat, Plage. -Goethe

e-mail: / Fax: (415) 928-2636