Re: Definition of Learning LO784

Fri, 14 Apr 95 09:17:02 PST

JOHN WARFIELD wrote in LO759:

"... find out what the people with cash would like to have, determine if
it is lies within the ethical system of the marketer to provide that, and
then proceed to use those loved ideas to provide the purchaser with what
is sought.

"This was probably enunicated by Confucius, but I don't have the rererence
today. "

John -- well, it's not ancient wisdom, but you certainly remind me of the
old saw "The customer is always right." :-)

You could tie this to those threads about manipulation, the "myth of
freedom" and the "theory of free will," if you like. Maybe there is no
real, absolute freedom. But there aren't many absolutes in this imperfect

Nice to see all the recent support for relevance on this list. Yahoo!

Sean Gawne,